Our Mission:

To feed and care for the orphans of the world.

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Who We Are

Tamani World Children Project is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization founded by Tom and Diane Gouge in 2009 to provide grants to organizations that care for orphans . Our team primarily supports Tamani Kenya: a small community based organization operating in the Kwa Njenga slums of Nairobi. Tamani Kenya began in response to the great needs of many abandoned and abused kids: children who deserve the safety of a home and support of a family. A shelter for six young girls has grown to include over 50 children of all ages. James and Truphena Wanjala are the guardians of Tamani Kenya - having dedicated themselves to fulfilling the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each of these dear children.

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Get Involved


There are many exciting opportunities to get involved with Tamani World Children Project.  We first ask for prayers for the children, caregivers, and directors of Tamani. We especially pray for health, safety, spiritual growth, and protection. By providing your contact information we can inform you of Tamani news and events. We hope you'll consider joining us on an annual mission trip to Nairobi, Kenya. This is an incredible opportunity to establish a personal relationship with your Tamani family, immerse yourself in Kenyan culture, and Africa's gorgeous landscape.

You may feel led to join our sponsorship program. You can do this by filling out our Contact Us form and pledging to donate $50/month to Tamani's general fund. After you sign up, we will provide you details and a photo of your sponsored child. We will keep you informed of upcoming news and events including fundraisers, annual mission trips, and further opportunities to build upon your relationship with Tamani.

Tamani Kenya has been operating from 2 properties for the last few years, the original Kwa Njenga home in the slums of Nairobi and the Isinya property near the town of Isinya. James and Truphena have moved out to the Isinya property. All the children now also live there except for the ones living at school. The ones that live a school are from 8th grade on up. We do have a school on the Isinya property, Kamali Pride, that children from preschool through grade 6 attend. The plan is to use the Kwa Njenga home as a place for orphans rescued from Nairobi slums until they can be returned to a family member or become part of the Tamani family at Isinya. The Kwa Njenga home is currently unoccupied and waiting for repairs.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God our Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
— James 1:27

Become a Sponsor

Support our cause, connect with an individual child.

Go on Mission

Learn about our mission trips and the work we're doing in Isinya.

Make a Donation

Donate online or mail a check to the address indicated below.